Welcome to the graffito world. We're not just an online shop. We are a community that is passionate about ceramics and believes that this art goes much further than meets the eye.
If you don't know us yet, graffito is part of the PASTCERAM group, a producer of clay and glazes and supplier of materials for the ceramics industry on a large scale, but we graffito on a smaller scale.
It was born in 2017, with the main objective of being able to satisfy the needs of independent creators, ateliers and ceramics lovers looking for ceramic items in a single space, where each product reflects our commitment to providing a super-positive experience for our clients, because your satisfaction is part of our achievements. Patrícia, CEO of the company and the graffito brand, launched the project with the ambition that one day we would reach every corner of the world. She brought together a passionate and equally ambitious team, who work every day to achieve their goals.
We're located in the heart of the national ceramics industry, so it's easy for you to reach us, whether you're from the north or the south.
If you visit our physical shop, you'll always be very well looked after by Célia, who is in charge of reception and will help you with everything you need, even with more technical questions. In the online shop, which is where you'll find yourself, you'll probably speak to Bruno whenever you place an order on the website, make a call or have any questions about client support. Bruno will certainly be able to help you with all your questions.
In the marketing department, in charge of social media, maintaining the online shop, all communication, partnerships, etc, you'll come across Sofia and Renato, who will share your work on Instagram and talk to you whenever you send them a message. These two are also the ones who try to take graffito everywhere, whether it's through google campaigns, email marketing, social media, etc.
Every time your orders arrive in your hands, they are packed by Fernando who, as well as being in charge of the warehouse, prepares everything with great care so that they arrive perfectly (if sometimes this doesn't happen, don't get upset because transport sometimes plays tricks on us).
If you don't know, at graffito/Pastceram we have staff specialising in both clay and glazes, who work every day in our laboratories, where all product development, quality controls, etc. are carried out. Margarida is in charge of the glazes laboratory, César of the clay laboratory and Joaquim Pereira (better known as Quitó), with expertise in both areas, is the one who deals closely with each client's needs, in a more technical/commercial way.
We are part of the graffito team and we work every day to go further and further, because we strongly believe in the potential of the brand and its values. Stay with us, explore graffito and join the family.
We're on our way to something even better!
A equipa graffito

Patricia Ramalho

Renato Batista
Head of Marketing

Sofia Branco
Marketing Assistant

Bruno Pereira
Logistics and customer support

Fernando Alves
Warehouse Manager

Célia Domingos
Physical store
graffito technicians

Margarida Carvalho
Glazing Lab Technician

Cesar Gameiro
Bodyclays Lab Technician

Joaquim Pereira
General support technician
graffito physical store